Wednesday, December 1, 2010


I'm almost done with all the pre-departure administrative paperwork for studying abroad. I didn't realize how many forms, fees, and appointments there would be, but I keep hearing about new things I have to do before I can go to France. This past Wednesday before making it home for Thanksgiving break, I had my appointment at the French Consulate in downtown Chicago. I was really nervous about this because I would have to find my way there with limited time and hope that I had all my required paperwork in order. My train ended up being almost an hour late, so I took a cab to the consulate instead of walking as I had planned. The driver dropped me off right in front of the building I was looking for, which was awesome. Once inside and at the front desk, I got a name tag with a bar code, which I had to scan in order to gain entry to the elevator section of the building. I took the elevator to the 37th floor and waited with a bunch of other visa applicants to have my name called for my appointment. The lady working at the consulate was standing behind a bulletproof window and had to speak into a microphone, but she was still really difficult to hear. As I had feared, when she looked at the prepaid envelope I had provided for them to return my visa and application materials, she was really confused and asked that I go the the post office and purchase a different one. So, I had to leave the consulate, walk to the post office, buy an Express Mail envelope, and head back to the 37th floor. Luckily I didn't have to wait in line again and she just took my envelope and said my application was complete. Now I just have to wait to receive my visa in the mail. Fingers crosses everything goes well and I'll be able to study abroad. Well, I also still have to buy my plane ticket. That might be important too.

I have the craziest mixed emotions thinking about next semester. I am so excited--this is really a dream come true. I can't wait to be immersed in the French language and culture of Nantes. This is the experience of a lifetime and something I've been wanting to do since I started taking French 7 years ago. On the other hand, I am dreading having to leave the US. Everything I know and love is here. Just the thought of leaving my best friend brings me to tears. I have to continually remind myself that this is going to be a great thing, that the best parts of my life at home will still be here when I return. I sure hope that's true.

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